Suomen Biokierto ja Biokaasu ry:n hallitus on valinnut biokaasualan pioneeri Jyrki Heilän vuoden 2022 Bionääriksi. Titteli julkistettiin Biotalouspäivillä Oulussa 20.9.2022.…
8 -11 November 2022: ECOMONDO
The reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin for the green and circular economy. Ecomondo is an international hub where all the drivers of the ecological transition are presented and discussed.
Features 2022
Start-ups and Innovation
The space dedicated to innovative start-ups and Italian and international scale-ups that offers products/services relating to green technologies, environmental sustainability in energy and sustainable mobility. The Start-up & Scale-up Innovation initiative is organised by Italian Exhibition Group SpA, promoted in partnership with ICE and has ART-ER as its main partner.
Food Waste
Reducing and preventing food waste is a priority for institutions, companies and citizens if we are to meet Objective 12 of the 2030 agenda. Technologies, innovative solutions and best practices to guarantee food quality and reduce waste in the pre- and post-consumption phases will be presented.
Textile Hub
Textile Observatory created in 2021, the hub that aims to bring together all the main components of the value chain, including waste producers, operators, recoverers, institutions, consortia and trade associations, research and development institutes, the best technological innovations in the field. The idea is to focus on sustainable textile production and promote ecosustainable design.
Environmental protection
From trenchless technologies to coastal regeneration and enhancement through eco-dredging, we will bring to the show concrete examples of Italian-made excellence in environmental protection. The aim is to attract operators interested in providing design services or products or those proposing major works.